2015 Tag

Splendour In The Grass 2015 (SITG), you've done it again. Created a weekend of unstoppable beats, to-die-for food and unforgettable memories that will be cherished forever. I thought this weekend would never arrive, however, the day finally came where good vibrations echoed through the North Byron Parklands of Byron Bay. Where artists ventured from their homelands, nationally and internationally for Australia's undeniable best music festival. This festival is where folks like you and I travel far and wide to attend...

Take Sydney's most iconic beach, one of the biggest fashion events of the annual calendar, the brains of Maurice Terzini and Lucy Hinckfuss, and you arguably have yourself an unprecedented and revolutionary runway debut into the Fashion world. Inspired by it's home town, where surf meets the city, the line is based on 10 pieces that you can wear in as many different styles that you can think of, with no gender-designation. The show was an audio and visual masterpiece, where the photos below speak for themselves.